Scientific and Engineering Technical Assistance
for Education R&D
Building safe spaces to do hard things.
R&D is a powerful engine of innovation. It has given us the internet, GPS, and many more capabilities that have unlocked human brilliance and connected us globally. In PreK12 education, R&D initiatives are harnessing this power to tackle the toughest challenges facing our public education system. At SETA-ED, we amplify your team’s expertise and impact by helping you envision, plan, execute and scale your R&D efforts. We provide scientific, engineering, legal and ethical assistance via robust and secure technical infrastructure, strategies for implementing privacy and security by design, and on-demand world class expertise on the legal, ethical and political challenges in the education space.
We know the most important part of creating transformative, positive change is in the idea—and the hardest part is turning that audacious idea into reality. SETA-ED offers a set of services and products for each step in this process, from ideation to scale. These products and services promise to revolutionize how education R&D is implemented, by reducing startup friction, automating expertise and providing robust and secure R&D infrastructure.
Scientific and Inclusive R&D Support
SETA-ED provides portfolio, program and project leads scientific and engineering review, analysis, execution and evaluation support for R&D proposals, including cost realism, technical merit and scientific rigor. We provide open, inclusive and ethical R&D design and execution plans to embed inclusive research processes via transparent and replicable means, in a way that promotes district engagement and the transition of R&D applications into real-world education settings.
Legal and Ethical Frameworks and Expertise
SETA-ED’s team of privacy experts works closely with clients to ensure that project terms, including contracts and R&D grants, align with IRB requirements, data sharing agreements, and other applicable privacy laws and regulations. Our team continuously tracks and analyzes federal, state, and local legislative and regulatory landscapes to identify developments that may impact the R&D field, enabling us to provide comprehensive risk analysis and mitigation strategies for our clients. We provide state-level privacy assessments to identify state-specific laws and regulations, which are essential for vetting potential district, research, or vendor partnerships. These measures ensure that all engagements meet stringent privacy standards and support the integrity of our clients' projects.
R&D Infrastructure for Privacy and Security by Design
SETA-ED’s team of engineers and cloud architects has built and maintained technical infrastructure for federal ARPA (advanced research project agency) organizations, including projects developing cutting-edge products in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). The R&D infrastructure provides secure storage, sharing and analytic tooling for working with highly-sensitive datasets. In addition to the information security assurances, this type of engineering support offers the opportunity to strategically embed privacy controls into tech builds, enabling “privacy-by-design.”
SETA-ED Products and Solutions
“If data is worth collecting, it’s worth protecting.”
— Bill Fitzgerald, SETA-ED Privacy and Security Advisor